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Team Crafting Workshop

The next step

Are you ready for more? 

You can do the same exercise, but with your team. As with individual job crafting, you start with the first exercises, but between exercises 4 and 5 we add a team component. In this part, you interact (virtually or in real life) with some of your team members to see whether they can come up with different types of crafting, or maybe you can swap tasks between team members. Ready? 


Every module consists of some (theoretical) information and some exercises. However, not everyone likes every exercise to the same degree. Feel free to choose which exercise you think will help you the most. There are different ways to make the exercises. First, we have made a worksheet with all the different exercises and their templates. You can download this and fill it in when you do the exercises. Secondly, you can also just make them on a sheet of paper or in your head. We advise you to write the answers down since this has a positive effect on the transfer. 


individual Job


Sharing is 


The job market

Team crafting


Choose 3 to 6 team members who work closely together. You can do it with more people, but a session in a classroom is better suited for large groups than a visual session. You can repeat the exercise if you belong to more than one team. 

Book time in all your schedules for the two parts of team crafting 

  1. Individual job crafting (2 hours)

  2. Team crafting (2 hours) 

Anchor 1

Individual job crafting

In this part, you do the individual job crafting exercises as described in the first part. You can do exercise 5, but you will probably have new insights from your team members, so this exercise is optional at this time.

To go back to the individual job crafting exercises, you can click here

Anchor 2

Sharing is caring

In this step, you will share your results of the individual job crafting exercise, learn the outcomes of your team members, and reflect with your team members on possible solutions and crafting possibilities.

  • First, join in a (virtual) meeting where everyone shares their results on the job crafting exercise. Each team member gets approximately 5 to 7 minutes. So you best focus on the results of exercise 3 and 4. This will give team members some time to respond. Depending on the size of your group, this will take between 30 and 50 minutes.

  • Second, do one-on-one (or one-on-two) interviews to get a deeper understanding of the results your team member just presented. End the (virtual) meeting and start smaller/individual (virtual) meetings. Interview your team member on the output they just presented and ask questions like: Why is this task such a burden? Tell me more about this interest/need? But also reflect and confront (gently): I think you have another strength, which is XXX. Or: I see that you are stressed every time you do this task, is that correct? This will enrich the exercises and increase the quality of the analysis. Let people share their results visually through the shared screen or let them send a photo of the relevant exercises. Switch roles and let your team members interview you. Each interview should take about 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Finally, reflect on possible crafting solutions with your interview partner. You can use exercise 5 as a template for this. Take 20 minutes to develop options.

Anchor 3
Anchor 4

The job market

  • Share your new insights with the group about which tasks are more aligned with your energizers and burdens. Write this down on a (virtual) whiteboard. Each person gets 5 minutes.

  • Write down individually which tasks seems energizing or challenging for you, while they are a burden for other team members.

  • Swap tasks: The goal is to talk to other team members in order to switch tasks. You can do this one-on-one with each team member, but also (preferably with a facilitator) in your group. The outcome should be that everyone’s workload is similar, but that every team member has a more energizing set of tasks. Tip: think about the job crafting options. When a task is not energizing for every team member, try doing it together in a nice context.

  • You can bring this all together in exercise 5 of the individual job crafting. You can do this together or individually. Be sure to make an action plan and track progress in your team meetings.

You have now completed one or more modules of our work energy journey. We hope you will have more energy during and after your job. Feel free to redo (parts of) our module if you energy level are dropping.

Well done!

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